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Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box

/Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box

The Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box, also known as the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM), is a crucial agreement for the global trading of agricultural products. This agreement was established as part of the Uruguay Round negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994 and has been in effect since then.

What is the Amber Box?

The Amber Box refers to the category of agricultural subsidies that are deemed to be trade-distorting. These subsidies are subject to reduction commitments under the Agreement on Agriculture, and their use is limited to certain circumstances. The Amber Box subsidies are considered to be the most contentious type of agricultural subsidies, as they have a direct impact on the competitiveness of agricultural trade.

The Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box

The Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box aims to regulate subsidies that are likely to distort trade, which may lead to unfair competition among WTO members. The agreement recognizes that subsidies can have negative effects on trade, and aims to limit their use to certain circumstances.

The Agreement on Agriculture sets out rules for the reduction of Amber Box subsidies. The agreement aims to minimize the impact of these subsidies on trade, while recognizing the need for support to farmers and rural communities. Under the agreement, countries are required to reduce their Amber Box subsidies over time, with a view to eventually phasing them out.

The Agreement also recognizes that developing countries may require certain subsidies to support their agricultural sectors. However, these subsidies must be targeted and non-trade-distorting in order to be permitted.

Why is the Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box important?

The Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to promote fair competition among WTO members in agricultural trade. By limiting the use of Amber Box subsidies, countries can compete on a more level playing field.

Secondly, the agreement recognizes the importance of providing support to farmers and rural communities. While the use of Amber Box subsidies is limited, the Agreement recognizes that some level of support may be necessary to maintain these communities.

Finally, the Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box is crucial for the global trading of agricultural products. By regulating the use of subsidies, the agreement helps to prevent trade distortions that can negatively impact the global economy.


The Agreement on Agriculture Amber Box is a crucial agreement for the global trading of agricultural products. It recognizes the importance of providing support to farmers and rural communities, while limiting the use of subsidies that can distort trade. As a result, the Agreement helps to promote fair competition among WTO members and supports the global economy.
